Welcome To IFUMB
Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology IFUMB (formerly) known as Indian Society of Medical Ultrasound) was formed in 1978 by a group of cardiologists, radiologists and gynaecologists from Nair hospital. Initiative was taken by Dr. K. D. Shah, Dr. C. V. Vanjani, Dr. C. V. Shah, Dr. K. G. Nair (all cardiologists) and Dr. Suman Daftary and Dr. R. R. Pai (radiologists) and Dr. Rohini Merchant and Dr. Rawal (Gynaecologists) to form a society which will bring all ultrasound users in their respective specialities on a common platform to discuss and impart training in the use of ultrasound.
Initially society used to meet quarterly in Bombay and case presentations by various disciplines used to be the hallmark of initial activities.
USCON 2025, Jaipur
WFUMB 2025
Dates: May 29 - June 1, 2025
Venue: Kyoyo, Japan (Kyoto International Conference Center)

Dr. Prof. Shabnam Bhandari Grover
PRESIDENTIt is indeed a unique and proud privilege to lead the Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (IFUMB), as the President, a role held by revered iconic legends... Read More

Dr. Raju Keswani
SECRETARY GENERALI am grateful to respected seniors and all dear friends for electing me as Secretary General of this august organisation and giving me opportunity to serve you...Read More