
Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology IFUMB (formerly) known as Indian Society of Medical Ultrasound) was formed in 1978 by a group of cardiologists, radiologists and gynaecologists from Nair hospital. Initiative was taken by Dr. K. D. Shah, Dr. C. V. Vanjani, Dr. C. V. Shah, Dr. K. G. Nair (all cardiologists) and Dr. Suman Daftary and Dr. R. R. Pai (radiologists) and Dr. Rohini Merchant and Dr. Rawal (Gynaecologists) to form a society which will bring all ultrasound users in their respective specialities on a common platform to discuss and impart training in the use of ultrasound.
Initially society used to meet quarterly in Bombay and case presentations by various disciplines used to be the hallmark of initial activities.
International Congress on Non-invasive techniques in Cardiology” was the first major conference held at Taj Mahal Hotel in December 1984 under the auspices of the society, which was attended by about 500 delegates from all over India along with a distinguished faculty from USA, UK and Japan. This initiative resulted in boost on membership of society. Dr. K. D. Shah was the President and Dr. C. V. Vanjani was the Secretary General of the Congress.
We started having a regular Annual conference from year 1991. First conference was held at Nair hospital in which delegates from all major disciplines participated in a 3 day event. From then onwards, we have been having regular Annual Conference till now.
In 1993 it was decided to form Academic wing of the society in the form of Indian College of Medical Ultrasound (ICMU) to impart training in Ultrasound in various regions of India and Dr. C. V. Vanjani was nominated as the Founder Dean of the College.
In 1998 college was affiliated to Jefferson Ultrasound Institute Philadelphia USA as affiliate Centre for imparting training at 18 centres all over India and fellowship of the college was conferred on the eligible candidates. Dr. C. V. Vanjani was appointed as chief course director for Jefferson programs in India.
It was decided to start quarterly Indian Journal of Medical Ultrasound (IJMU) to help members publish their research articles for wider reach from 1985. In 1994 IFUMB was affiliated to Asian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (AFSUMB) as a sole representative society representing ultrasound users from India. IFUMB will be organizing the next AFSUMB Triennial Conference in New Delhi in November 2010. Dr. C. V. Vanjani is elected as Vice President of AFSUMB for 2007-2010 period. IFUMB has collaboration with various regional societies in Asia and Japanese Society, Australian Society and Korean Society of ultrasound have offered Annual Scholarships to train young member of IFUMB (below 35 years) in their centres for 3 months period each.
Needless to say we have come a long way in this period of 30 years with the help and support of various stalwarts like Dr. K. D. Shah, Dr. C. V. Vanjani, Dr. C. V. Shah, Dr. Suman Daftary, Dr. R. R. Pai, Dr. Rawal, Dr. Rohini Merchant, Dr. S. K. Sharma, Dr. Mukund Joshi, Dr. P. K. Srivastava, Dr. Bagga, Dr. S. Suresh, Dr. N. Chaubal, Dr. P. K. Shah, Dr. M-megh, Dr. B. Ahuja, Dr. N. Malhotra, Dr. P. K. Gupta and many others.
I am sure our society will continue its effort to impart knowledge to young members and make efforts to take our society to greater heights and make its presence felt in this part of world.
Dr. C. V. VanjaniFounder Member, Past President and Founder Dean – IFUMB
Vice President – AFSUMB
10th May, 2008